PhD Studentship: Physics based landing gear aerodynamics and noise prediction


Ref: AACE-AFM-100


Research group: Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment.

A PhD studentship is available immediately in the area of aircraft aerodynamic and noise prediction. The studentship is funded under a UK EPSRC industry case award. This project aims to develop a physics based whole model for future new aircraft. The unsteady aerodynamic flow field around a deployed landing gear leads to noise radiation to the ground causing environment problems. Existing models in the literature are empirical and semi-empirical in nature where a number of empirical constants are used to fit standard source characteristics to particular components. This work will refine current prediction models using a component modelling approach to overcome the limitations of existing empirical approaches that require experimental data for calibration. The student is also required to conduct numerical simulation of flows. A good first degree in either engineering, or mathematics, or physics is needed. This PhD studentship will provide a good opportunity to work with one of the largest aerospace companies in the world, and explore relevant problems in the aerospace industry.


The Airbus Aircraft Noise Technology Centre (ANTC)  opened in November 2008 at the University of Southampton. It is the result of the long standing collaboration between Airbus and the University on a range of noise research and development projects. The Centre, led by Professor Xin Zhang, brings together academic staff, research fellows and PhD students using state-of-the-art computer simulations and wind tunnel testing to develop new noise reduction concepts. Undergraduate students also work with the research team, providing exciting projects to stimulate the next-generation of engineers for industry.

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The studentships cover both basic engineering research and applied research, which fully cover University tuition fees (at possible overseas student fees) and provide a tax-free bursary of £13,900 per year, rising annually (each October) in line with the UK Government (EPSRC) recommended rate, for a 3 year duration.

If you wish to discuss any details of the project informally, please contact Dr David Angland or Prof Xin Zhang, AFM research group, Email: or, Tel: +44 (0) 2380 59 4987 or +44 (0) 2380 59 4891.



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