PhD Studentship: Assessment and development of adhesive bonding technologies for composite to composite and composite to metal joints for automotive structural applications

Development of adhesive bonding process technology for bonding of structural composite-composite joints for production processing of future generation, premium LW vehicles. The project will include the assessment and development of pre-treatment process including: Plasma, Laser, Chemical etching and studying appropriate cure catalysts – IR, Microwave & Induction. Repair methods.

Awards available: 1 award available

Funding Details: Fees and maintenance at RCUK level

Eligibility: Due to funding restrictions this project is open to UK & EU applicants only.

Length of Award: 3.5 years (PhD)

Application Details:

Please view the following page for full details about this award:

Applicants are asked to contact before submitting an application.

Deadline:  31 August 2013

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