MSc by Research – Aerodynamically Alleviated Marine Vehicle

Application deadline: 31 July 2013

Supervisor: Dr Maurizio Collu
Renewable Energy Group

Duration of award:  1 Year

Award type: MSc

MSc by Research in experimental aerodynamic (wind tunnel) and hydrodynamic (towing tank) tests of an aerodynamically alleviated marine vehicle configuration.

Cranfield University has been chosen by a private company for the feasibility assessment of a high speed marine vehicle with aerodynamics surfaces, called AAMV (Aerodynamically Alleviated Marine Vehicle)

Following a market survey, a private company has identified a market niche ideally suited for the Wing In Ground effect (WIGe) vehicle configuration and has secured funding in order to further develop the concept. Having considered the main research intensive universities with expertise in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, the project proposed by Cranfield University was chosen due to its internationally renowned expertise in high speed marine vehicles with aerodynamic surfaces.

Following on the first phase when theoretical and numerical simulations have been performed to guide the conceptual design, the private company is now willing to fund a second phase, focused on experiments aiming at the proof of concept. The main tasks for the candidate will be: 

  • Experiment planning and execution: 2 towing tank tests and 1 wind tunnel test
  • Scale model design and supervision of scale model manufacturing
  • Collection of experimental data and analysis

The candidate will be supervised by 3 academic staff members, with experience in wind tunnel and towing tank experiments, and will be supported by a research assistant in designing the models.

Start date: September 2013
Duration: 12 months (end date August 2014)

Entry Requirements

The candidate should have an MSc in Naval Architecture/Marine Engineering, with experience in towing tank tests, matured either in academia or in industry, preferably on the subject of high speed marine vehicles/WIGe vehicles. Experience in wind tunnel tests will be considered a plus, but not mandatory.Funding

A tax free stipend of 1200 £ per month, for 12 months. Tuition fees paid by the department.

How to apply

For further information about the position and details of how to apply please contact:

Dr Maurizio Collu

Also Read  NPL/University of Surrey Joint Studentship Project Title: Millimetre-wave Smart Antennas

Scholarships expiring soon Forums MSc by Research – Aerodynamically Alleviated Marine Vehicle

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