MSC by Research Studentship (1 year) A qualitative examination of the victimisation of marginalisation groups

Area of Research: Criminology, Victimology

Anticipated Start Date: 1 June 2014


This is a fees-only Studentship (fees are paid by the School of Life, Sport and Social Sciences) over 12 months.?

Project Description

This Masters by Research will involve conducting a qualitative research project exploring the experiences of victimisation among marginalised groups. It is expected that the student will choose a particular focus within this broader context.

Applications should be accompanied by a research proposal of no more than 1000 words giving a detailed description of how you would approach this research topic.

Supervisory Team: Dr. Mary-Louise Corr, Dr. Liz Aston, Prof. Lawrie Elliott.

Person Specification

Candidates should have strong research skills, a minimum 2:1 honours degree in social sciences and an interest in criminology/victimology. Experience of working with vulnerable groups would be an advantage.


Dr Mary-Louise Corr ( for further?information.

Apply Now

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