ESRC Doctoral Training Centre +3 and 1+3 Studentships Economics

The Business School is pleased to offer ESRC 1+3 and +3 Studentships in Economics, to start in September 2013, in association with the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Centre.

The South West Doctoral Training Centre has been accredited to offer a hub of world-class social sciences research. As one of only 21 Centres in the UK, the SWDTC is part of a national network which was launched in October 2011 that will train a new generation of social scientists.

The Business School hosts a large and diverse postgraduate research community with currently over 155 students enrolled on its Doctoral programmes. It has excellent research ratings with 94 per cent of its research classified as being of international quality (RAE 2008).

For the +3 PhD studentships we would require you to register for a PhD in Economics.

For the 1+3 studentships we would require you to register initially on one of the following Masters programmes:

  • MSc Financial Economics
  • MSc Economics
  • MSc Economics and Econometrics
  • MSc Economics and Experimental Economics
  • MSc Financial Economics


For eligible students the studentship will cover UK/EU or international fees and an annual Research Council maintenance grant (in 2012/13 this was £16,590 – the rate for 2013/14 is yet to be confirmed) for each year of study.

Academic Entry Requirements:

1+3 Programme

For the 1+3 studentships you should have an appropriate first degree with a significant quantitative component of class 2:1 or above. 

+3 Programme

For the +3 studentships you should also have a good Master’s degree in Economics or a closely related discipline. Preference will be given to applicants who have received ESRC accredited training at Master’s level. If English is not your first language, a language test certificate is required with the following minimum requirements for this studentship: IELTS 7.0. Personal qualities should also include the ability to work independently and high degree of motivation necessary to complete a PhD in three years.

Application procedure

In order to apply you will need to complete an online web form where you must submit some personal details and upload the following documents:

  • CV
  • Covering letter
  • Research proposal
  • Transcript
  • IELTS/TOEFL certificate (where applicable)
  • Details of 2 referees

Your covering letter should detail your reasons for applying and why you are the ideal person to undertake the doctoral research.

Please add a one page appendix in which you set out succinctly

(i) your overall IELTS score, with components (if relevant);

(ii) the name of your (Master’s) training award and it’s level;

(iii) the subjects studied in your postgraduate degree(s) as relevant to your research proposal and the grades you received.

Informal enquiries can be made to

The closing date for applications is 11.59pm Thursday 14th February 2013.

Also Read  PhD Studentship Institute of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Sciences

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