Art and Design Studentship Opportunities MIRIAD Studentships

MA by Research (full-time and part-time fees only)

MPhil/PhD (full-time fees only and fully funded)

The Manchester Institute for Research and Innovation in Art and Design (MIRIAD) Research Degree Programme in the Manchester School of Art and Hollings Faculty at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) seeks suitably qualified candidates for studentship awards. These are aimed primarily at applicants who wish to propose individual research projects. Consideration will also be given to projects involving organisations outside of Higher Education in the fields of art, design, architecture and other affiliated subjects within the HEFCE REF2014 Unit of Assessment for Art & Design.

The successful candidate will be jointly supervised by leading practitioners and academics from the Manchester School of Art and/or Hollings Faculty. Trained in the practices, histories or theories of art/design/new media/architecture or a related discipline, you will have substantial skills, at least to Masters level or equivalent. We welcome applications with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspectives.

You should develop your research proposal for research projects set out in the guidelines for applicants contained in this pack. If appropriate please include examples of practice. Before you make a formal application please contact Professor Jim Aulich ( or Dr Amanda Ravetz ( at the Manchester School of Art, or contact Phoebe R. Apeagyei, in the Holllings Faculty.

Deadline for applications if 31st May 2013

For more information and an application form click on the ‘Apply’ button below.

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