AHRC PhD Studentship in Choreography

AHRC PhD Studentship in Choreography:
body space, moving image, cultural memory

University of Brighton and University of Chichester Consortium

The University of Brighton and the University of Chichester Consortium are inviting applications for one doctoral award in Choreography to commence in October 2013. This studentship is part of the Consortium’s Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Block Grant Partnership (Capacity Building) secured in 2011.

Award: PhD in Choreography: body space, moving image, cultural memory (based at the University of Brighton or the University of Chichester)

The successful candidate will be able to take advantage of the availability of the research culture in each of the collaborating institutions. The two universities will explore collaborative supervisory arrangements where such arrangements are appropriate to the student’s proposed research project.

Specialist research training modules will be made available through each university’s masters provision including the University of Brighton’s MRes in Arts and Cultural Research which will provide the core research methodology training. In addition, the University of Chichester has an extensive programme of both generic training as well as discipline-based training in practice as research.

We invite applications from across the spectrum of Dance-based research which engage in interdisciplinary dialogues under the heading ‘Choreography: body space, moving image, cultural memory’. This incorporates a number of areas in which specialised supervision is available (although we will consider other areas providing there is supervisory capacity):

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  • dance and moving image (Screendance)
  • dance and somatics
  • dance history and analysis
  • dance and cultural memory
  • dance and inter-disciplinary arts practices
  • practice as research in dance
  • choreographic research that intersects with other fields of research, such as sciences, ethics or political philosophy.

The studentship is three years full-time in duration (five years part-time), and will pay your fees and provide a stipend. Rates for 2013/14 have not yet been set by the AHRC but last year the figure was £13,590 per annum (pro-rata for part-time). This award starts on 1st October 2013.  

Closing date for applications: Thursday 28th March, 4pm, 2013

Interviews to take place in mid-late April 2013

For full information visit


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