Wellcome Trust four-year PhD Studentship Systems Neuroscience: from Networks to Behaviour

Reference Code: IN054

Closing Date: 11th August 2013

Details:  Name of the supervisor Professor Stuart Baker, Institute of Neuroscience , Sponsor Wellcome Trust

Duration of the award Four years. MRes and PhD

The Wellcome Trust’s four-year PhD Programmes are a flagship scheme aimed at supporting the most promising students to undertake in-depth postgraduate research training. The first year combines taught courses with laboratory rotations to broaden students’ knowledge of the subject area. At the end of the first year, students will make an informed choice of their three-year PhD research project.

This programme is based at Newcastle University and is aimed to provide specialised training for physical and computational scientists (e.g. physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and computer science) wishing to apply their skills to a research neuroscience career.

Value of the award and eligibility

Support includes a stipend (at a higher rate than UK research councils) for four years, PhD registration fees at UK/EU student rate, research expenses, general training funds and some travel costs.

Person specification

Applicants should have, or expect to obtain, a First-class or Upper-Second-Class Honours degree, or equivalent, in a physical sciences, engineering, mathematics or computing degree.

How to Apply

You must apply through the University’s online postgraduate application form selecting ‘Master of Research/Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Sciences) – Neuroscience’ as the programme of study. Once you have selected the programme of study please insert the studentship/partnership reference number IN054. Only mandatory fields need to be completed (no personal statement required) and a covering letter, CV and (if English is not your first language) a copy of your English language qualifications must also be attached. The covering letter must state the title of the studentship, quote the reference number IN054 and state how your interests and experience relate to the project.

Also Read  School Master's Scholarships (6)

Further information

For further details, please contact:

Helen Stewart
Institute of Neuroscience, Faculty of Medical Sciences
Henry Wellcome Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
E-mail: ion-postgrad-enq@ncl.ac.uk

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