PhD Studentship in Human Factors aspects related to Cyber Security

Funded by: Coventry University
Fees: UK/EU fee equivalent for three years
Maintenance grant:  £13,726 maintenance per annum (tax free)
Studentship academic contact; Dr John Huddlestone/Prof Don Harris
External collaborators (if applicable)

Details of proposed research:
Human Factors and Cyber Security – research in this area could focus on traditional aspects of human-computer interaction (e.g. trust, complacency, system transparency) applied to cyber interactions, through to the use of the internet and associated technologies for radicalization, and/or wider socio-technical issues associated with building resilient systems to counter the potential impact of extended pan-European cyber-attacks.

Candidate specification

Eligibility to apply for this studentship is limited to UK/EU fee payers

This is a re-advertisement- previous applicants need not reapply

Entry criteria for applicants to PHD

  • A minimum of a 2:1 first degree in a relevant discipline/subject area with a minimum 60% mark in the Project element or equivalent with a minimum 60% overall module average.

 In the event of a first degree classification of less than 2:1, a Masters Degree in a relevant subject area will be considered as an equivalent. The Masters must have been attained with overall marks at merit level (60%). In addition, the dissertation or equivalent element in the Masters must also have been attained with a mark at merit level (60%).  Normal Research entry criteria applies in all cases

PhD candidate should have a strong academic background in Applied Psychology or Human Factors (Ergonomics); Candidates must have at least a 2:1 (or Master’s degree. Some familiarity with computing and IT would be desirable.

Further details

Closing date: August 19th 2013
Interview date: will be notified to shortlisted candidates

To view details of Studentship, please visit the link:

For an application form please click on the ‘Apply’ button below.

For guidance on writing a proposal, please visit the following link

Complete the application form and return with a covering letter to:
Research Recruitment and Admissions team
Student Centre
Coventry University
Priory Street
United Kingdom


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