PhD Research Scholar Position in Marketing

PhD Research Scholar Position in Marketing

Norwegian School of Economics

The Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) is pleased to announce the availability of a PhD Research Scholarship in Marketing at the Department of Strategy and Management. We are seeking candidates who are interested in doing research in marketing. Currently, the department’s research interests are found within inter-organizational relationships, brand management/consumer behavior, service innovation and research methodology, but we are also open for other marketing related proposals. Specifically, the marketing group is currently looking for candidates interested in: Service innovation, Social Media and Marketing and PhD-project on purchasing in the public sector. For more information on these research topics, see our web page:

The PhD program at NHH is designed for those seeking a specialization within the fields of economics and business administration for challenging jobs in the private and public sector. As a PhD scholar at NHH you will work closely with leading professors who have a significant impact on government policies, business practice and academic thought. NHH faculty members create a stimulating and rewarding research environment for doctoral students – both as supervisors, mentors and co-authors.

NHH PhD research scholarships are fully funded for four years on very competitive terms.

PhD research scholarships include a commitment to work 25% as a teaching and/or research assistant for the school while enrolled on the PhD program. NHH does not charge tuition from PhD students. Applications to the research scholar positions are welcomed from both Norwegian and international students.

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The annual salary for the PhD Research Scholarships is currently 420 800 NOK gross (which is equivalent to about € 50 600 or about US dollar 68 800). The scholarships are subject to Norwegian taxes and benefits, including health care provision and membership of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.

Applicants who have at least a Master of Science or comparable academic degree will be considered for admission. An additional requirement is that the academic education has to include at least one-and-a-half years of studies in business administration or economics. NHH uses a web based application system which can be accessed through the NHH web page. The application should include: Academic transcripts, statement of purpose, research proposal and CV. NHH also requires standardized tests (GMAT or GRE/TOEFL or IETLS). Test scores should be sent directly from test centers. The application should also include two letters of academic references. These letters should be sent directly from the reference person. For detailed information about requirements see:

For further information see: and to Apply, click on the Apply button below.

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