PhD Research Fellowship in Political Science Specialization: Governance and immigrant integration

The University of Oslo is Norway’s largest education and research institution with 28 000 students and 7 000 employees. Its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally esteemed research communities make UiO an important contributor to society.

The Department of Political Science currently has 33 permanent academic staff members, 12 research fellows studying for PhDs, three assistant professors (postdoctoral fellows) and nine administrative employees. The department conducts research, teaching and dissemination in political science. About 1 200 students are currently enrolled in Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD study programmes in political science. The department is also responsible for interdisciplinary Bachelor’s degree programmes in International Studies, European Studies, and Public Administration and Leadership, as well as a Master’s degree programme in Peace and Conflict Studies.

Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science

PhD Research Fellowship in Political Science.
Specialization: Governance and immigrant integration

About the position

The appointment is either for a period of three years (with no teaching requirement), or for a period of four years with a 25 per cent teaching requirement. In the Department of Political Science teaching is organized into five sections: public policy and administration, comparative politics, political theory, international politics, and research methods. Candidates will be part of the Faculty’s PhD programme and the work performed will be expected to lead to a PhD in Political Science.

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To be appointed to the position, the successful candidate must have a Master´s degree (preferably 120 ECTS credits) or an equivalent qualification in Political Science. Specialization in public policy and administration and good knowledge of the Norwegian public sector are preferred. We will also place weight on an interest in and knowledge of policy-making theory, institutional theory, immigrant integration, local politics and administration, and community studies.

The PhD work will constitute an individual project in which we appreciate original research ideas and initiative in the dissertation. The appointed candidate will, however, be expected to contribute to the department’s ongoing project “Immigrant Integration: the Case of Refugee Resettlement” (led by Prof. Anton Steen), which is part of the broader project “Governance and learning: policy tools and capabilities for better governance design” (funded by the Norwegian Research Council).The candidate will also benefit collegially and in terms of data from this involvement.

We invite applicants to propose a PhD project that addresses broader issues of public sector governance, but the principal topic of the project should nonetheless be resettlement of refugees in the context of cross-policy coordination, multi-level governance, complex policy instrumentation, and how local communities deal with resettlement of refugees and immigrant integration. Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies are welcomed. Comparisons across countries are encouraged. In evaluating applications, academic qualifications and in particular the project outline will be given more weight than other disciplinary and general qualifications. Personal suitability will also be an important factor. Short-listed applicants will be called for interview.

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Applicants must submit a project description of up to five pages outlining the research topic, the specific problems to be studied, the choice of scientific theory and method, and a realistic schedule for the study. It is a prerequisite that the candidate is able to complete the project within the set fellowship period.

See also the Regulations on terms of employment for Research Fellowship positions

We offer

The electronic application must include:

  • Application letter
  • Project description
  • CV
  • Copy of Master’s dissertation
  • Copies of transcripts
  • List of publications and academic work that the applicant wishes to be considered by the evaluation committee

(Questions regarding the electronic application form should be addressed to HR consultant Berit Trondsen, telephone 22855218)

About the evaluation process

A sorting committee will review the applications before the top candidates are further assessed by an evaluation committee. The evaluation committee’s report is expected to be ready by 1 November, and will be sent to all applicants. The shortlisted candidates will then be called for interview in November. The departmental board will then make its final decision in December.

The University of Oslo has an Acquisition of Rights Agreement for all employees for the purpose of securing intellectual property rights to research results etc.

Pursuant to section 25 of the Freedom of Information Act, information concerning the applicant may be disclosed to the public, even if the applicant has requested not to appear on the list of applicants.

As a state institution, we aim for a balanced age and gender composition of our staff and to recruit persons from ethnic minorities.

It is only permissible to hold one fixed-term position at the same institution.


Job type:

Working hours:

Application deadline:

1 September 2013
Reference number:

Home page:


Ass. Head of Department Jostein Askim

Telephone: +47 22855169

Head of Department Dag Harald Claes

Telephone: +47 22857857

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