PhD Positions in Genoeconomics

PhD Positions in Genoeconomics, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Job Description

Several PhD positions for genoeconomics are available as part of a joint research initiative of Erasmus University Rotterdam and the University of Amsterdam. Genoeconomics is a newly emerging research field that investigates the molecular genetic architecture of economic preferences (e.g. risk preferences, time discounting) and important lifetime outcomes (e.g. educational attainment, happiness, self-employment). This research could be transformative for the social sciences by providing new tools and insights to study the causes of behaviors and outcomes. Furthermore, the results of this research can inform medical research by identifying relevant causal pathways for disease outcomes (e.g. cognition-related or cardio-vascular diseases) that can help to identify individuals at risk early on.

The candidate will work with data from different sources, including the Rotterdam Study, the Health and Retirement Study, the Swedish Twin Registry, and the Social Science Genetics Association Consortium ( The length of the appointment is 4 years. The position is affiliated with the newly established Erasmus University Rotterdam Institute of Biology and Economic Behavior (EURIBEB) and can be located at the Erasmus School of Economics or the Amsterdam Business School. The candidate will be part of a team that is leading this research effort, including Albert Hofman (Epidemiology), Roy Thurik (Economics), Patrick Groenen (Econometrics), and Philipp Koellinger (Economics & Business). Furthermore, the candidate will work closely with the principal investigators of the Social Science Genetics Association Consortium (Daniel Benjamin at Cornell, David Cesarini at NYU and Philipp Koellinger at the University of Amsterdam) and Magnus Johannesson at the Stockholm School of Economics. The team is internationally leading the development of this new interdisciplinary research field. The outcome of the project will consist in a number of research papers that will form the contents of the PhD dissertation. The project is designed to result in publications in leading academic journals in the areas of economics, medicine and genetics.

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A detailed description of the project can be found here. Further questions about the position can be directed to dr. Philipp Koellinger,


Candidates should have a recently completed Master’s degree in economics, econometrics, computer science, psychology, behavioral genetics, epidemiology, or another field that provides a sufficient background in statistics. Good computer skills and some knowledge of programming languages are an advantage. Furthermore, curiosity and an interest to work in an interdisciplinary environment are regarded as assets. The necessary skills for using the appropriate statistical methods can be learned during the first year of employment.

Furthermore, candidates should meet the following requirements:

  • GMAT or GRE test (an indication of the required score is 85%).
  • TOEFL or IELTS test results (100 ibt TOEFL or 7.5).
  • In addition to these formal requirements, candidates for the project are selected on the basis of their CVs, academic references, and interview(s) with supervisors

Conditions of Employment

The PhD position is a fully salaried position, meaning that appointed PhD candidate will be an employee (promovendus) of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO-NU). Starting monthly salary for PhD candidates is € 2,042 in year 1, € 2,379 in year 2, € 2492 in year 3, and € 2612 in the final year (all mentioned figures are gross and fixed amounts). Successful candidate will be appointed on a full-time basis for a total of 4 years. Candidate’s performance will be evaluated after 18 months and if positive, the contract will be extended for 2.5 years.

Working at the Erasmus University Rotterdam means working in a professional environment, where development is encouraged through an active career and mobility policy. The Erasmus University Rotterdam highly appreciates flexibility and offers a 38-hour workweek, flexible working hours, maternal/paternal leave, holiday allowance, end year bonus etc. Moreover, the University has a company childcare scheme, possibilities to participate in a terms of employment option model, company savings program and life insurance schemes and favourable collective insurance schemes. Employees can also make use of facilities such as sports facilities and library. For more information about the employment conditions please click here.

Furthermore, PhD candidates also benefit from the state-of-the- art research facilities and financial support programme (ERIM Support Programmes – ESP), which ERIM has set up a for a wide range of research-related activities like conference participation and visit, international job market visit, external courses, scientific and educational literature, working visit to international supervisor, international research study/visit, etc.


This PhD position will be supported by ERIM, the research institute of management at Erasmus University Rotterdam. ERIM distinguishes itself by high level and international character of its research and has repeatedly been ranked among top 3 research institutes in Europe. ERIM’s key aims are top quality academic research with impact both on academia and managerial practice, and the advancement of international academic careers and high-level support for both research and doctoral education. ERIM is accredited by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).

How to apply

Application deadline is 18 November 2013.

Interested applicants are advised to submit their applications as soon as possible. All applicants are required to follow ERIM application process.

Additional information about the application can be obtained from ERIM Doctoral Office, Tel: +31 (0) 10 408 2382, Email: ,

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