Pfizer Neusentis PhD Studentship Resolvins and MicroRNA in Inflammatory and Neuropathic Pain

Academic Supervisors: Professor FM Boissonade, Dr DW Lambert

The University of Sheffield Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health is one of the major UK centres for education and research in health and related subjects. With origins dating back to 1828, the Faculty has a long-standing tradition of excellence in clinical education and research.

Over 2,500 students study in the Faculty each year on over 40 different courses. In addition, over 200 students are registered for research degrees, supported by a Faculty research portfolio in excess of £30M.

The project will be based in the School of Clinical Dentistry, which is one of the constituent departments of the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health. It enjoys a national and international reputation for the quality of its teaching and research. It was rated as “Excellent” in the national Teaching Quality Assessment, and was in the top five Dental Schools in the UK in the recent Research Assessment Exercise (RAE 2008). Seventy percent of our research was graded as “world leading” or “internationally excellent” making us one of the top performing departments in the University of Sheffield. 

The successful applicant will join the Integrated Bioscience Group ( supervised by Professor Boissonade and Dr Lambert. The group’s investigations cover the full spectrum from basic science studies under­taken within the fields of neuroscience, infection and immunity, and cancer; through to clinical investigations translating the application of principles derived in the laboratory.

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This project will be carried in collaboration with Pfizer Neusentis and will include an industrial placement. It will investigate the role of resolvins and microRNA in inflammatory and neuropathic pain utilising both human tissues and pre-clinical models.

This post will provide an annual stipend of £13,726 and cover the full cost of fees at the UK/EU rate.

To apply, please send a letter describing the reasons for your interest in the post (not exceeding 1 page) and a full CV to Professor Boissonade and Dr Dan Lambert, via the ‘Apply’ button below, by 5pm 28th June.

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