MSc Investment Fund Management

MSc Investment Fund Management

University of Glasgow – Adam Smith Business School

The Center for Economic and Financial Studies at the University of Glasgow has obtained 20 full-fee scholarships for MSc students (worth 7,500 GBP each) from the Scottish Funding Council. This scholarship will be made available for excellent applicants from Scotland and the EU for one of our MSc programs:
MSc Investment Fund Management

We particular welcome applications from students and financial practitioners with undergraduate degrees in Economics, Finance, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering or any other highly mathematical discipline. For exceptional applicants the Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow provides an additional contribution of up to 5,000 GBP towards costs of living and maintenance.

This programme is subject to approval.

Prestigious Scottish Funding Council Awards are available to high calibre applicants for this programme. The SFC has selected this programme in recognition of the high demand for students with these qualifications. The awards cover all tuition costs; for further information, please see: funded places.

This Masters in Investment Fund Management offers training in the key areas of investment fund management with particular emphasis on hedge fund management and applications of financial engineering. This programme, which is unique in Scotland, is offered by Economics in the Adam Smith Business School. It provides you with a comprehensive understanding of hedge fund management, alternative investment and structured products. Legal aspects related to the investment fund arena will also be covered.

  • You will find this programme suitable if you wish to pursue a career in investment fund management such as asset management companies, hedge funds, wealth management banks, regulators and central banks.
  • You will acquire a sound understanding of how an investment fund works, legal aspects of the assets under management and the risk related to different asset classes. In addition you will acquire employability skills by practising real case studies using the Bloomberg Trading Room available at the Adam Smith Business School.

Programme overview

  • MSc: 12 months full-time;

Knowledge and understanding of the subjects is mainly promoted through lectures, some of which may also be accompanied by class/group discussions.

Core Courses

  • Advanced Portfolio Analysis
  • Financial Markets, Securities and Derivatives
  • Hedge Fund Risk Management
  • Portfolio Analysis and Investment
  • Research Methods & Dissertation Training

Optional Courses

You will also study two optional 20-credit courses from:

  • Applied Computational Finance
  • Basic Econometrics
  • Financial Derivatives (Mathematical Finance is a co-requisite for this course)
  • Mathematical Finance

Other optional courses may be available subject to the approval by the Programme Director.

Career prospects

This programme is for students wishing to pursue a career in investment fund management such as asset management companies, hedge funds, wealth management banks, regulators and central banks.

Further information: Adam Smith Business School email:

To apply click the ‘Apply’ button below.

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