Management Science Summer Research Internships 2013

What is a Management Science Internship?

Research Internships offer a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to experience and learn about research problems in Management Science, Operations Management and Information Systems and how various challenging problems can be explored. Management Science interns will be supported by a bursary of £250 per week.

Where and when will they take place?

Internships will run for 8 weeks over the summer vacation from 15th July to 6th September 2013. During this time you will engage in research with leading academics from the Department of Management Science at Lancaster University. For details of the department, see

Who are they aimed at?

The internships are aimed at giving an insight into what a PhD research really like, and are open to students interested in the possibility of undertaking a PhD. Our scheme is aimed at UK and EU students about to enter their final year of undergraduate study, who expect to achieve a 1st class degree – this includes, for example, mathematics, statistics, computing, business studies, physics and engineering. We regret that we cannot consider any applications from non-EU students.

Why consider an internship?

As a management science intern you will be joining other high-calibre undergraduate students studying in the vibrant research environment at Lancaster University supported by a bursary of £250 per week.

Through the internship, you will:

* Experience how to structure research problems.

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* Learn how to apply quantitative and qualitative skills to important practical problems.

* Gain an insight into what it would be like to do a PhD.

* Gain an understanding of whether a research-oriented career is right for you.

 Want to know more?

This is the first year the Department has run this scheme, which is modelled on a successful scheme in quantitative statistics and operational research, STOR-i. To gain a flavour of what it is like to be an intern visit our website at

Here you can find examples of recent internship projects plus testimonials and blogs from recent interns on the established STOR-I scheme. To apply for an internship, send your cv and a letter of application explaining why this scheme is of interest to you to Gay Bentinck (, via the ‘Apply’ button below.

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