Kent Business School invites applications for ESRC PhD and 1+3 studentships through the South East Doctoral Training Consortium (SEDTC) in any of the following subject areas, to start in September 2014:
- Accounting
- Finance
- Industrial Relations
- Management
- Management Science
- Marketing
- Operational Research
These prestigious three or four year scholarships cover tuition fees and yearly stipend of £13,726 (at 2013/14 UK Research Council rates) for home students and tuition fees only for EU students. Overseas students are not eligible for these scholarships.
Kent Business School will select one applicant to go forward to the ESRC competition. In addition, we will provide a school-funded three or four year Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) scholarship to the selected candidate in the event that the application to the SEDTCâs ESRC competition is not successful.
Eligibility criteria Successful applicants will normally meet all of the following criteria:
- Distinction at Master’s level in a relevant discipline (for PhD candidates
- First at undergraduate level in a relevant discipline for PhD candidates still completing their Masterâs and 1+3 applicants
- Score of 7.0 in IELT test (if appropriate).
How to Apply In the first instance, pease apply online to Kent Business Schoolâs PhD programme or appropriate Kent Business School Masterâs programme by Monday 27th January 2014. Applicants should attach a one page statement explaining why they are a suitable candidate for the ESRC PhD or 1 + 3 award. Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed in early February 2014 and the candidate selected to go forward to the main competition will be guided through the SEDTC application process.
Further information For more information about this studentship and the Kent PhD programme please see here or contact