EPSRC funded EngD (Int) Designing the next generation of battery management systems for transport applications


Supporting Company: Jaguar Land Rover / WMG centre HVM Catapult

WMG and Jaguar Land Rover are seeking a top class candidate to undertake research leading to the award of an International Engineering Doctorate from the University of Warwick. The successful candidate will work within a multidisciplinary team of automotive engineers, researchers and academics, co-located within a unique energy storage research facility within the University campus.


The challenge of coordinating the product specifications for the constitute parts of battery cells within a global supply chain, frequently result in the manufacture of cells with different levels of capacity and impedance.

A typical energy storage system (ESS) for transport applications may comprise of many hundreds of cells (connected in series or parallel), cell interconnects, safety devices, control electronics, energy balancing circuits, high voltage and low voltage cabling and thermal management.

Manufacturing tolerances, coupled with demanding duty-cycles and the presence of subtle thermal and loading differences within the ESS, may result in significant variations in the rate of cell degradation and the state of charge (SOC) of individual cells. Given that the overall performance of the ESS is often constrained by the properties of its weakest cell the control algorithms required for balancing the energy distribution between different cells are a key enabling technology for the successful introduction of future electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.



The portfolio of potential research topics that underpins the successful management of modern transport battery systems crosscuts a wide spectrum of technology and commercial issues. The primary aim of this research is to take a holistic view of the different energy balancing methods available, including both passive and active (inductive, capacitive) options within the context vehicle performance, cell degradation, cost, control system complexity, manufacturability and energy efficiency.

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Entry Requirements

Candidates should have a minimum of an upper second (2.1) honours degree (or equivalent) in an engineering or related discipline.

A numerate subject (e.g. engineering) or related field (e.g. mathematics, physics ).


  • High levels of innovative thought and lateral thinking
  • Excellent analytical and reporting skills
  •  Excellent communication skills
  •  Strong computer skills and the ability to learn new software quickly
  • Self-motivated, capable of working with minimal guidance and supervision, and within a team.
  • Enthusiasm for the subject

 To apply please contact us at engd@warwick.ac.uk or phone us on 024 765 24357

Awards available:  1 award available

Funding Details: Qualifying students receive full fees and an attractive enhanced stipend which could be tax and NI free depending on your personal circumstances, paid by the International Doctorate Centre and topped up by a contribution from Jaguar Land Rover. For 2013 this totals approximately £19,000 tax free per annum.


Length of Award: The funding is for four years (EngD) and will also cover University tuition fees and all course fees as well as a travel allowance to attend courses.

Eligibility: Due to funding restrictions, the regulations regarding EPSRC funding require that applicants should be UK or EU citizens to be eligible for EPSRC funding.

Application Details: Please contact J.Kirkwood@warwick.ac.uk before submitting application

Further details about this award can be found on the following webpage: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wmg/education/researchdegrees/idc


Deadline:  30th June 2013


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