Engineering Doctorate from the University of Strathclyde.

Development of the Linear Matching Method and associated interface to Abaqus in modelling creep to meet the needs of the R5 high temperature assessment procedure

The University of Strathclyde and EDF Energy are seeking a first rate graduate/engineer/scientist to undertake research leading to the award of the Engineering Doctorate from the University of Strathclyde.

The Engineering Doctorate Scheme provides exciting opportunities for a small number of highly skilled and motivated engineers and scientists to work towards a Doctorate in an industrial environment, but with close links to a University department. This opportunity provides an income substantially in excess of a conventional research student bursary. More information on the Nuclear Engineering Doctorate may be found at:

The aim of this project is to extend the Linear Matching Method (LMM) ( for the evaluation of the steady state cycle with creep fatigue interaction, and to apply various cyclic plasticity and creep material models for practical engineering applications. The objective is also focused on the further development of an automated working system for creep assessment using the Abaqus GUI Toolkit, on the basis of an existing LMM Abaqus Plug-in for other structural integrity assessments.

Your industrial supervisor will be Mr David Tipping from EDF Energy. At the University of Strathclyde, supervision will be provided by Dr Haofeng Chen ( of the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department. You will spend periods based in the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of Strathclyde ( The research team at Strathclyde is internationally recognised for research in this area and the successful applicant will be encouraged to collaborate with team members and industrial partners. You are expected to spend up to 25% of your time at the EDF Energy. You will also spend time at Manchester University, and possibly elsewhere, undertaking formal further education via ‘Short Courses’ into both technical/nuclear issues, and in business/management topics. The management course will lead to the award of a Manchester University Diploma in Management Sciences.

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Entry requirements: Students applying should normally have (or expect to achieve) a minimum 2.1 undergraduate degree in a relevant engineering, mathematics, physics or computer science subject, and be highly motivated to undertake cutting-edge research in an applied research environment. Candidates with a background in solid mechanics and/or numerical methods are strongly encouraged to apply. Experience with Abaqus is desirable though not essential.

The studentship: Qualifying research students receive an attractive enhanced stipend that could be tax and NI free depending on your personal circumstances, paid by the EngD Centre and topped up by a contribution from EDF Energy. For 2013 this is a minimum of £20,000 pa. The funding is for four years and will also cover University tuition fees, and all course fees as well as a travel allowance to attend courses and conference. The EPSRC funding requires that applicants should be UK or EU citizens.

If you wish to apply please email a covering letter, full Curriculum Vitae and the names and contact details of at least two academic referees to BOTH by clicking the APPLY button below.

Closing date: 15 April 2013 (Project will start on 1st October 2013)

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