EngD Studentship

Condition Monitoring of Electrical Components and Systems in Real World Usage

There is limited knowledge of how vehicles are actually used in the field, for nominal and extremes of usage. The designs of vehicles are based on certain assumptions that have never been verified across a whole vehicle population; consequently vehicles are potentially non-optimally engineered. This becomes critical for electric vehicles where the effect of usage cases on vehicle performance, consistency of vehicle range and battery lifetimes are not understood. Knowledge / prediction of vehicle usage cases and their effects on components will enable a more robust design with increased manufacturer certainty e.g. battery warranty. It is not known what data are the most important and at what update rate is required for what levels of prediction confidence.

Awards available:  1 award available

Funding Details:   Fees at RCUK level and a stipend of approximately £19,000 (tax free)

Length of Award:  4 years EngD (Int.)

Eligibility:  Open to UK/ EU Applicants.

Application Details: 

Please view the following page for full details about this award: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wmg/education/researchdegrees/idc/

Applicants are asked to contact j.kirkwood@warwick.ac.uk before submitting an application.

Deadline:  30 April 2013 

Also Read  Funded Masters in Sensor and Imaging Systems starting September 2015

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