DTG University Studentship: Healable Polymeric Materials for use in Power Distribution Systems


Supervisors: Professor Wayne Hayes and Professor Howard M. Colquhoun, Department of Chemistry, University of Reading

Collaborating Company: Gnosys Global Ltd., Guildford, Surrey

Research Project: This three-year PhD studentship targets the development of new healable materials based on nanostructured supramolecular polymers and their composites, for application in power-distribution systems.

This project will involve the design, synthesis, and characterisation of a series of novel supramolecular polymer systems (at Reading) and their assessment in application at Gnosys Global Ltd. The student will receive extensive training in polymer design and synthesis, molecular modelling, and a wide range of microscopic, spectroscopic and physical characterisation techniques at Reading via access to the University Chemical Analysis Facility and the Centre for Advanced Microscopy. Such techniques will include molecular spectroscopy (IR, NMR, Raman, UV-vis) MS, TGA, DSC, X-Ray diffraction and ESEM/TEM, to enable intensive design and analysis of the materials under development. The PhD student will spend at least three months on placement at Gnosys during the project, to undertake materials assessment of the new polymers in application.

The project will start in October 2013 and the studentship stipend will be at the standard EPSRC rate (£13,726 p.a. in the first year).

Applicants should hold a minimum of a UK Honours Degree at level 2:1 or equivalent in chemistry or a related relevant subject. Please note that, due to restrictions on the funding, this studentship is available to UK candidates only. 

Also Read  The School of Management and Business Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Scholarship

Contact either Professor Hayes (w.c.hayes@reading.ac.uk) or Professor Colquhoun (h.m.colquhoun@reading.ac.uk) for more information. To apply formally for this PhD studentship, please contact Catherine O’Hare (c.l.ohare@reading.ac.uk or telephone 0118 378 6591).

Please quote reference GS13-62b in all correspondence.

Deadline for applications: 30 September 2013

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