Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Project Studentship Barraging the Severn: An Environmental History

Historical Studies.

The project

Applications are invited from suitably qualified graduates for a fully sponsored AHRC PhD Project Studentship on the environmental history of the Severn Estuary and proposals to harness its tidal power. Based in the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Bristol, the studentship is part of a larger AHRC-funded collaborative project involving the University of East Anglia and the University of Nottingham, entitled ‘The Power and the Water: Connecting Pasts and Futures’.

The successful candidate will be based in the School of Humanities, and will work there as part of a team, alongside two post-doctoral research assistants and the Principal Investigator for the overall project, on the environmental history of rivers and watery environments. This is strand one of a three-strand project that focuses on environmental ‘connectivities’ rooted in matters of power, water and energy. The other two strands are based with Co-Investigators at the University of East Anglia and the University of Nottingham.

Strand one focuses on river systems and their linked bio-physical, energetic, commercial and cultural flows, to be pursued through case studies of the transformation of the Tyne, proposals to harness the tidal energy of the Severn estuary (the Project Studentship), and questions of access and recreation in watery environments.

The overall project is supported by a range of outside partners, including Northumbrian Water plc, the National Trust and Quantock Hills AONB service.

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NB. Interviews will be held at the University of Nottingham, where interviews for project positions based at the University of East Anglia and Nottingham will also be held on the same day.

Candidate requirements

Applicants should have at least an upper second class (2:1) Honours degree in History or a related field such as Human/Historical Geography. They should also normally have, or be studying for, a Master’s degree or similar postgraduate qualification. The successful applicant must have met all the requirements for the award of a Master’s qualification (or equivalent) – as distinct from having already been awarded this qualification – prior to the start date of the AHRC doctoral studentship.


This Studentship will cover tuition fees at the UK rate and provide an annual maintenance grant of just under £14,000 for 3 years, starting on 1st October 2013. Due to the nature of funding the studentship is only available to UK/EU citizens and must be pursued on a full-time basis. For student eligibility criteria and further details of AHRC studentships, visit:

How to apply

To apply please go to

In the Programme List select ‘History  (PhD)’, quoting this particular project title and supervisor Prof. Peter Coates.


For informal enquiries and further details please contact Professor Peter Coates, the Principal Investigator for the overall project, who will also be the student’s lead supervisor: (

Deadline for applications

The closing date for applications is 9August with interviews planned for 4 September.

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