3-Year Full-Time Non-Clinical PhD Studentship Translational Clinical Research in Diagnostics and Imaging in Childhood Diseases

Great Ormond Street Hospital / University College London Biomedical Research Centre (GOSH / UCL BRC) is a partnership between GOSH and UCL Institute of Child Health (ICH), funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Together with other NIHR BRCs, GOSH / UCL BRC will help to deliver the Government’s initiative to improve the translation of basic scientific developments into clinical benefits for patients, and to reinforce the position of the UK as a global leader in healthcare related research.

The NIHR BRC scheme funds patient-focused early phase translational clinical research (commonly referred to as experimental medicine), the aim of which is to pull basic scientific discoveries into clinical research, and through to benefits for patients and the NHS.

Together, GOSH and ICH contains the largest concentration of research expertise in the scientific basis of child health in Europe. GOSH and ICH have long been at the forefront of paediatric medical research and GOSH / UCL BRC aims to build on this by undertaking experimental medicine research in across four research themes: Molecular Basis of Childhood Diseases; Diagnostics and Imaging in Childhood Diseases; Novel Biological Therapies for Translation in Childhood Diseases; and Gene, Stem and Cellular Therapies. Further information on the objectives of GOSH / UCL BRC and the remit of each of the four research themes can be found on the GOSH website at: www.gosh.nhs.uk/research-and-innovation/biomedical-research-centre-brc/

The project for this PhD studentship will be in the remits of the Diagnostics and Imaging in Childhood Diseases theme led by Professor Neil Sebire, focussing in particular on research in novel applications of imaging methods, magnetic resonance physics developments, and in-silico / in-vitro modelling and predictive medicine.

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Further details, including a portfolio of potential projects and instructions on how to apply, can be found on the Institute of Child Health website (http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ich/education-ich/phd-prog/phd_studentships/3-year-phd-diagnostics-imaging-brc)

Closing date for applications: 5pm on Friday 12th July 2013

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