White Rose ESRC DTC Studentships

We are pleased to announce that the White Rose ESRC DTC has allocated two full (100%) ESRC studentships to The York Management School for the academic year 2013-14. Pathways currently available are Management and Business (including HRM, Management of Technology, Marketing, Operations Management  and Organization Theory and Behaviour); Accounting and Finance, and International Business (including Strategy). Further information on the School including staff research interests can be found at http://www.york.ac.uk/management/

Applications are welcome from home and EU applicants, and information on eligibility can be found at http://www.esrc.ac.uk/funding-and-guidance/funding-opportunities/looking-for-funding/eligibility.aspx.  Studentships may be either of the following:

1+3 Studentships

First year following Masters in Research (MRes – delivering the majority of the core training requirements) followed by a 3-year PhD programme.

+3 Studentships

3-year PhD study for applicants who have already achieved the required level of research training, usually through the attainment of a previous Masters qualification.

Current (2012-13) ESRC annual rates are standard maintenance: £13,590; fees: £3,732; and research training support grant: £750. A small amount of support for overseas fieldwork may be available but must be applied for at the grant application stage.  These figures are not expected to rise significantly for 2013-14. Further funding information can be found at http://www.york.ac.uk/management/doctoral-studies/funding/ and http://www.esrc.ac.uk/funding-and-guidance/funding-opportunities/looking-for-funding/studentship-stipends.aspx. Further general information can be found at http://www.esrc.ac.uk/funding-and-guidance/funding-opportunities/looking-for-funding/index.aspx.

The deadline for submitting an application is 1 February 2013.Interviews will be held on 27 February 2013, and the results will be communicated early April 2013.

Also Read  Early Career Researcher

To apply, please submit a full PhD application together with a Research Proposal Apply button below. 

On this application you should indicate your interest in being considered for the White Rose scholarship.

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