UK/EU Master’s Scholarships in High Performance Computing

The School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh offers up to two Master’s scholarships in High Performance Computing ( for the 2013-2014 academic session. Each scholarship covers Tuition Fees and Additional Programme Costs and is tenable for one academic year.

The MSc in HPC is taught by EPCC ( EPCC is a Research Institute within the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh.  We are one of the leading supercomputing centres in Europe, managing an extensive collection of HPC systems including HECToR (, the UK’s £115 million national supercomputing service. HECToR, a 44,000-processor Cray XE6 system, is the UK’s largest, fastest and most powerful supercomputer. Students taking the MSc learn the fundamental techniques required to program these large machines, and have access to leading-edge HPC platforms and technologies for their research projects.

These scholarships are awarded competitively.


UK/EU students who have been accepted for admission to the MSc in High Performance Computing at the University of Edinburgh ( are eligible to apply.

Applicants must have, or expect to obtain, a UK first class or 2:1 Honours degree or its equivalent from outside the UK.


Please indicate if you would like to be considered for a School of Physics and Astronomy UK/EU Master’s Scholarship in High Performance Computing in your online application form.

The closing date for applications is Monday 1 April 2013.

Also Read  EPSRC iCASE PhD Studentship for the development of functional materials

Successful applicants will be notified by Friday 3 May 2013.

For more information, please contact the Programme Administrator

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