Studentships in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Law

The College of Arts, Humanities and Law is offering funded PhD studentships and Masters degree bursaries for 2013 entry in:

  • American Studies
  • Ancient History
  • Archaeology
  • Art History and Film
  • English
  • Historical Studies
  • Law
  • Medical Humanities
  • Modern Languages (French, Spanish, Italian)
  • Museum Studies
  • Translation Studies
  • Victorian Studies

A number of AHRC PhD studentships and Masters degree bursaries are also available in Archaeology and Ancient History, English, and Museum Studies.

Research in this College is a mix of individual research, which typically leading to the ‘gold standard’ of important monographs and articles in top journals, and startling collaborative research that crosses departmental boundaries and focusses on one of the leading research centres in the College. PhD students play a vital role in the College’s research culture.

Find out more about studentships in the College of Arts, Humanities and Law.

Closing dates for these studentships vary. Please contact the department for further details.

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