Research Studentship Young People’s Experiences of Volunteering

This PhD studentship will fund a study which aims to examine young people’s attitudes to and experiences of volunteering. In times of economic downturn, the potential of volunteering to contribute to young people’s confidence, well-being and development of skills potentially leading to employment needs to be examined more closely. Evidence exists that young people between the ages of 16 and 24 are engaged in a range of volunteering practices, both formal and informal, and the study will examine the benefits and barriers encountered by young people, aiming to inform current practice in supporting young volunteers. The study will be qualitative in nature, involving collection of data from organisations involved with volunteering youth, focus groups and case studies with young people. There will be a strong element of informing practice and dissemination of findings to relevant organisations.

The studentship is jointly funded and supervised by the University of Strathclyde and Volunteer Development Scotland (  The academic supervisors will be Dr Daniela Sime and Prof Kirsten Stalker (School of Applied Social Sciences). The student will have access to facilities and training in both organisations and will be expected to spend time in both settings, including the Stirling-based office of Volunteer Development Scotland.

Student eligibility

This 3 year full-time PhD studentship is offered with a start date of October 2013. The successful candidate will receive an annual stipend of £13,800 and a fee-waiver at Home/EU rates. Applicants should hold at least a good Honours degree (2:1 or above) in a relevant Social Sciences discipline. In addition, a Masters degree with a research methods training element or equivalent research experience, and/or experience of working in the voluntary sector or volunteering, would be advantageous.

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Recruitment time scale: Deadline for completed applications: 23rd August 2013

Interviews expected w/b 2nd September.

For informal enquiries about the studentship, please contact Dr. Daniela Sime at

For information on how to apply, please contact:

The Graduate School, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Lord Hope Building, Level 1, 141 St James Road, Glasgow, G4 0LT.


Phone: 0141 444 8455

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