Research Assistant in Chemical and Structural Biology


Leeds – Main Campus


Faculty of Biological Sciences

Contract Type:

Fixed Term (12 months)

Project Title: Integrated computational and synthetic tools to drive the discovery of orthosteric protein-protein interaction inhibitors

You will join a major 5-year EPSRC-funded programme focused on developing, validating and then exploiting new tools for discovering inhibitors of Protein-protein interactions (PPIs). PPIs control almost all cellular processes relevant to health and disease, including many targets in oncology. Selective inhibition of individual PPIs would facilitate both a greater understanding of biological mechanisms and provide new opportunities for therapeutic intervention. Yet, PPI inhibitors represent a minute fraction of current small molecule drugs, largely because of specific challenges associated with development of inhibitors for these targets. This position will use structural biology and biophysics to assess the application of our methods for preparing diverse three-dimensional scaffolds in the discovery of small molecule inhibitors of multiple PPIs. The programme is highly interdisciplinary, and will involve collaboration with the University of Bristol and a range of drug discovery organisations. The position will thus also provide many opportunities for personal development, as well as the possibility of research secondments at Bristol and/or our drug discovery partners.

You will have a PhD (or be close to completion) in Chemical Biology, and you will have demonstrable experience in the area of peptidomimetic chemistry and, a willingness to develop further skills in modern molecular biology, protein purification, biophysics and structural biology.

Also Read  Research Fellow in Cell wall Biophysics

Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Thomas Edwards, tel +44 (0)113 343 3031 or Professor Andy Wilson,, tel +44 (0)113 343 1409

Interviews are expected to be held on: 5 September 2016

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Scholarships expiring soon Forums Research Assistant in Chemical and Structural Biology

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