PhD Studentships in Applied Ethics Broadly Construed

The inter-disciplinary ethics applied centre for excellence in teaching and learning (idea cetl) at the university of leeds offers a new phd studentship for 2013-2014. (for full details see full advert at

The idea CETL at the University of Leeds

The idea CETL’s vision is to be a world-class centre for excellence in learning, teaching and research in inter-disciplinary applied ethics. Since its inception it has developed significant research and professional ethics consultancy activity and has a lively programme of research seminars, research workshops and conferences to which its pgr students are expected to contribute.

Studentship Information

The idea CETL intends to offer a studentship in applied ethics, broadly conceived, to high quality candidates for its full-time or part-time phd programme. The studentship is tenable for 3yr (f-t) or 5yr (p-t) from september/october 2013 and has both tuition and maintenance components: the tuition component will be equivalent to the full eu phd fee1 and the maintenance component will be equivalent to that of the ahrc doctoral award.

The centre has particular research strengths (see full advert at but candidates with interests in any area of applied ethics, broadly construed, are warmly encouraged to apply. The idea cetl currently teaches in a wide range of areas. We would expect the pgr’s research to contribute to our expertise in at least one of these areas.

Additional Information

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Candidates for phd in the idea cetl are able to take advantage of a professional training and development scheme for postgraduates.

The centre will require the successful applicant to undertake teaching for the centre, paid at an hourly rate in addition to the scholarship stipend. The normal expectation will be in the region of 40 hours teaching a year, but up to 80 hours a year may be available. The studentship holder will be also expected to take a full role in the life of the centre.

Idea CETL offers its phd students financial support for conference attendance.

Closing date for receipt of applications for the studentships is Monday 1st July 2013. Interviews are likely to be held in the week beginning July 8th 2013.

Applications should attend to summary person specification (see full advert at

Application Procedure

  1. Application to undertake phd study can be made online by clicking ‘Apply’ below.

This application requires 3 references and a piece of written work.

Please make it clear that you are applying to the idea CETL.

    2.  Application for the scholarship. In addition please upload the following items to your online application:

A two page CV;

A 300 word statement setting out the ways in which they see themselves contributing to the life and broader success of the idea CETL.

All references for the studentship application should be marked studentships in applied philosophy and sent to Postgraduate Administrator, School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, G10, Michael Sadler Building, University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9JT 


Tel: 0113 343 3263 for academic enquiries about postgraduate study at idea CETL, contact prof. Chris Megone (, dr. Jamie Dow ( or DR Rob Lawlor (

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