PhD studentship Transitional Justice and Historic Abuse of Children in Care

The University of Strathclyde is funding a three-year full-time PhD studentship in Social Work, supervised by Prof. Andrew Kendrick (Social Work) and Moyra Hawthorn (CELCIS). 

The studentship starts October 2013 and covers a fee-waiver (home/EU fees, 2013/14 rates) and an annual stipend of £14,000 with annual increments.  

Historic abuse of adults who experienced care as children is a significant and topical issue, and the way in which governments and agencies have responded varies widely. Transitional justice concerns the strategies employed by states and institutions to deal with the legacy of human rights abuses, and to effect social reconstruction. The main contexts of historical injustice include: genocide; wars; and racial, ethnic and colonial oppression. This project will explore the framework for justice developed in these situations – acknowledgement, apology, accountability and reconciliation – and apply it to historic abuse in care. 

Applications are welcomed from students with an 2:1 or 1st class degree in Social Work, Social Policy or a related subject and who have, or are currently completing, a Masters programme. Experience of carrying out research in sensitive areas and with vulnerable people will be an advantage. 

For informal enquiries please contact Prof. Andrew Kendrick ( 

For further details and information on how to apply please contact: HaSS Graduate School

Lord Hope Building Level 1, LH128

University of Strathclyde

141 St James Road

Also Read  PhD studentship The relationship between inflammation and muscle adaptation following ankle fracture


G1 0LT


t: 0141 444 8455 

NB.  Applications are requested to upload an example of writing of no more than 3,000 words in length when applying. 

Deadline for the receipt of completed applications is 18th August 2013.

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