PhD Studentship Sustainable Architecture

Chinese Academy of Science and the University of Sheffield 

SACO (Institute of Sustainable Architecture and City Optimization, Suzhou & Chinese Academy of Science) and the School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, have set up a new programme, to support 2-3 PhD students each year, in the area of sustainable architecture.

The program is under the remote location PhD scheme at the University of Sheffield, and the registration period is 4-6 years. During the period, the students are required to work each year at SACO for 70% of the total time, participating in research and practical projects of the institute, and to study at the University for the rest of time. SACO will fund the students’ tuition fee, as well as the maintenance in Sheffield (equivalent to standard UK Government studentship level), and pay salary to the students when they work at the institute.

The candidates should have a master degree in relevant fields, and candidates with over two-year full time equivalent working experience in practice and/or professional qualifications will be given priorities. The candidates should apply follow the application procedure of the University of Sheffield, supplying the required documents, including transcripts, language certificate, etc. For detailed information, please visit:

SACO was established in 2012, jointly by the Chinese Academy of Science and the Suzhou Wuzhong government, to promote city sustainable development, technology and practice plan of green buildings. SACO assumes the functions and responsibilities of government’s think tank, research and education, building design and plan, building technologies integration development, applied technology transformation and social technology service platform.

Also Read  BP iCASE PhD Studentship in Fluid Mechanics of Natural Resources

For further information about the University of Sheffield, please visit: 

For further inquiry, please contact Prof. Jian Kang at the School of Architecture, University of Sheffield:

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