PhD Studentship Numerical Modelling of Composites Manufacture.

The project

A fully funded 3-year PhD position is available within the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites to develop and apply new finite element analysis techniques for better understanding of the defect generation process. Composite materials performance is integrally linked with their manufacturing process. We are starting to understand and be able to predict the effect of manufacturing anomalies or defects on mechanical performance, but to go further we also need to better understand and be able to predict the formation of defects as well. This project aims to undertake such an investigation through the use and development of finite element modelling tools.

The EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites has launched an intensive five-year research programme in partnership with industry to address key challenges in advanced composites manufacturing. The EPSRC Centre’s key role is to initiate and coordinate early-stage research to enhance the competitiveness of the UK composites industry, by investigating core industrially focused technologies.

More details about the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites can be found at:

Candidate requirements

The successful candidate will have a minimum second class honours degree in Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or Materials, and demonstrate evidence of a strong interest in composites and numerical modelling.


The studentship is offered with funding covering living expenses and tuition fees at the Home/EU rate for 3 years. Due to funding requirements, applicants would ordinarily need to have been resident in the UK for three years preceding the date of application. This includes EU students who have been studying for an undergraduate degree.

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How to apply

Applications should be made online at

Please select ‘Aerospace Engineering (PhD)’ in the Programme Choice section and quote the title of the studentship in the Research Details and Funding sections of the form.


Academic contact: Dr Stephen Hallett ( )

Deadline: 8 July, 2013

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