PhD Studentship Novel strategies to promote adaptation for those performing in extreme environments

Supervisors – Prof Neil Walsh and Dr Matthew Fortes

Prof Walsh’s team have recently published work showing that exercise induced muscle damage is a likely risk factor for exertional heat illness. This PhD studentship will further this field of enquiry with a particular emphasis on novel strategies to promote adaptation to extreme environments. The outcomes of this work will be important for those who work or compete in challenging environments such as soldiers and athletes.

Candidate Requirements

The successful candidate will normally have a First Class Honours Degree and/or a Master’s Degree in a relevant discipline.

Applications are accepted from UK/EU and International Scholars (due to funding restrictions additional fees must be covered by international applicants).

Value and Requirements

It is anticipated that the position will commence in January, 2014. The holder of the PhD studentship will receive an annual maintenance grant of £12,000. Fees for Home/EU students are also covered by the studentship. A conference grant of up to £400 per year will also be covered.  

Enquiries – Informal enquiries should be directed in the first instance to:

Prof Neil Walsh
School of Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences
Bangor University
Bangor, Gwynedd    

LL57 2PZ

Tel: +44 (0) 1248 383480

For further information about the Extremes Research Group, visit our website at:

For further information about the School, visit our website at:

Also Read  PhD Studentship “Scalability analysis of carbon-fibre-reinforced polymer bi-stable booms for space applications"

For further details on research training in the School, please see our Guidelines and Code of Conduct for Research Training:

Application Procedure

To apply, please complete an on-line University Postgraduate Application Form available by clicking the Apply link below.

For a School of Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences studentship are required to provide:

A research proposal: Please ensure that this is 500-1000 words and indicate clearly how you think this research would fit with the PhD project, the supervisors’ research interests, and with the broader areas of research undertaken by the Extremes Research Group.

The proposal should include:

  • the proposed research title;
  • background to the research: outlining the current state of the art and what this study will add;
  • the aims of the research;
  • how the project will be approached, with particular reference to the methodologies/techniques which might be employed;
  • the anticipated outcomes from the project: in terms of impact for the discipline and beyond, where relevant.

A supplementary statement: In addition to the application form and its requirements, applicants are required to provide a supplementary statement (100-500 words) outlining their relevant research skills. This should list all your relevant skills, such as computer skills, relevant prior research experience, the title and a brief description of your graduate study.

Deadline – The on-line application form and accompanying documents must be submitted by Monday, 4 November 2013.

Short-listed applicants will be interviewed on Wednesday, 20 November 2013.

Shortlisted candidates who attend for formal interview will also be expected to give a 10 minute presentation to the Extremes Research Group. The presentation should include a brief overview of your background and an outline of your research proposal.

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