PhD Studentship Novel Electric Machines for Renewable Energy Applications

Faculty of Engineering and the Environment

Ref: EngSci-ELM-104

Deadline: Applications will be accepted at any time until the position is filled.

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship that is part of a collaboration between TSL Technology Ltd and the Electro-Mechanical Engineering Research Group at Southampton. The studentship will develop novel electric machines for renewable energy applications including wind and marine turbines. The new machines (patent pending) incorporate features that facilitate connection to the grid and reduce the cost of the machine and power electronic converter.

Over the course of the studentship, the successful candidate will work closely with TSL engineers within a multidisciplinary team. This guidance throughout the PhD will ensure high quality research experience with a focus on a final product. The research will be instrumental in the development of TSL’s next generation machines for a rapidly growing market – with results likely to be implemented in new TSL products during the studentship.

The studentship will cover the UK/EU tuition fees and provide a tax-free stipend at the EPSRC rate of 13,900 p.a. for 4 years. Full tuition fees are not covered for overseas (non-EU) students.

Candidates should hold an undergraduate degree in electrical and electronic engineering, physics or related fields. The successful student will be supervised by Dr Suleiman Sharkh. They will also work closely with engineers and designers at TSL Technology Ltd in Alton.

Informal enquires can be made to Dr Sharkh, Email: Tel: +44(0)2380593397.

Also Read  ESRC PhD Studentship in Education

To apply, please click on the ‘Apply’ button below.

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