PhD Studentship Computational Rheology and Lubrication

Contact Details: Professor Peter Jimack or Dr Mark Wilson

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Closing Date: 17 January 2014
Degree Level: Research Postgraduate  
Number available: 1
Fees: £3,950
Maintenance: £13726 & a top up
Funding Type: Research Council

Further Information: The University of Leeds Faculty of Engineering is seeking a talented candidate with a background in computational science, engineering or mathematics for an exciting PhD studentship in collaboration with P&G.

The project sets out to build modelling and predictive capabilities for aspects of consumer products. The research will involve developing computational models of the fluid-structure interactions (FSIs) that occur with consumer product interactions. These models will be built incrementally to include a number of important features. Further stages will focus on validation of the models followed by the development of predictive and design/optimization capabilities.

The aim is to develop a new capability that goes well beyond that which is available in current commercial tools. The project will provide experience of and develop expertise in efficient numerical techniques – such as adaptivity, preconditioning and multicore computing – to allow fast and accurate explicit solvers to be developed and hence allowing reliable short-time simulations to be undertaken on the desktop.

The project will be supervised by Professor Peter Jimack (School of Computing) and Dr Mark Wilson (School of Mechanical Engineering) in collaboration with an industrial supervisor from P&G’s Greater London Innovation Centre.

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Candidates must have a good first degree, or a good Masters degree, in a relevant computational science, engineering or mathematical discipline. The studentship is an EPSRC CASE Award, with Procter & Gamble as the industrial partner. It is funded for 3.5 years and is open to UK and EU candidates.

Minimum Academic Requirements: Candidates must have a good first degree, or a good Masters degree, in a relevant computational science, engineering or mathematical discipline.

An additional requirements: Please note, due to the nature of the funding, UK applicants will be eligible for a full award paying tuition fees and maintenance. European Union applicants will be eligible for an award paying tuition fees only, except in exceptional circumstances, or where residency has been establish for more than 3 years prior to the start of the course.

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