PhD Research Opportunities in Quantum Optics/Photonics

Location:  Highfield Campus
Closing Date:  Thursday 01 August 2013

PhD studentship available for Oct. 2013 start

A PhD position is open within the newly established research group of Quantum Photonics lead by Dr Alberto Politi. The candidate will conduct research at the interface between quantum optics and nanophysics. The research will include the generation and manipulation of non-classical states of light in semiconductor structures for Quantum Information applications. The candidate will be involved in all the aspects of the project, including the experimental characterization as well as the nano-fabrication of integrated photonics chips.

You will join an active community of researchers and students working in the Quantum Light Matter group ( We offer a dynamic, stimulating and friendly research environment, the possibility to work with national and international collaborators and access to the state-of-the-art experimental facilities in Southampton University, including the £100M Mountbatten Clean Room Suite.

The candidate has (or expect) a Master degree in Physics, Electronic Engineering or related discipline with an excellent academic record in semiconductor physics or optics. Knowledge of quantum optics, quantum information, spectroscopy or low temperature physics is desirable. The candidate is expected to have a strong attitude towards experimental physics and good communication and management skills.

This Studentship is open to UK and EU residents. Due to funding restrictions, to be eligible for a full scholarship (stipend and fees), a student must have:

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  • Settled status in the UK, meaning they have no restrictions on how long they can stay, and
  • been “ordinarily resident: in the UK for 3 years prior to the start of the grant. This means they must have been normally residing in the UK (apart from temporary or occasional absences), and
  •  not been residing in the UK wholly or mainly for the purpose of full-time education. (This does not apply to UK or EU nationals).

For further information contact Dr Alberto Politi, Physics and Astronomy, via e-mail:

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