NEW MA bursary competition, 2013-14

The Department of History and Welsh History is delighted to announce the availability of NINE new MA bursaries available for students enrolling on any of its MA schemes in 2013-14, as follows:

  • Three senior bursaries of £2500

(eligible applicants – those applying to all History and Welsh History MA schemes)

  • Six bursaries of £1,250

(eligible applicants – those applying to all History and Welsh History MA schemes)

Bursaries will be awarded on the basis of academic achievement and potential. Preference may be given to students with no other financial support as these awards cannot be held with other bursaries. All applications received by 15 August 2013 (including those of students who have already received offers of places) will be considered for these awards.

For further information, please contact Dr Alastair Kocho-Williams, Postgraduate Admissions Tutor, Department of History and Welsh History,

Adran Hanes a Hanes Cymru

Prifysgol Aberystwyth

Cystadleuaeth bwrsariaethau NEWYDD MA, 2013-14

Mae’n bleser gan yr Adran Hanes a Hanes Cymru gyhoeddi y bydd NAW bwrsariaeth newydd MA ar gael i fyfyrwyr sy’n cofrestru ar unrhyw un o’i chynlluniau MA yn 2013-14, fel a ganlyn:

  • Tri bwrsariaeth uwch o £2,500

(ymgeiswyr cymwys – unigolion sy’n ymgeisio am unrhyw gynllun MA Hanes a Hanes Cymru)

  • Chwe bwrsariaeth o £1,250

(ymgeiswyr cymwys – unigolion sy’n ymgeisio am unrhyw gynllun MA Hanes a Hanes Cymru)

Gwobrwyir bwrsariaethau ar sail llwyddiant a photensial academaidd. Mae’n bosibl y rhoddir blaenoriaeth i fyfyrwyr nad oes ganddynt gymorth ariannol arall. Ystyrir yr holl geisiadau a dderbynnir erbyn 15 Awst 2013 (gan gynnwys myfyrwyr sydd eisoes wedi derbyn lle ar ein cynlluniau MA) am y gwobrau hyn.

Am wybodaeth bellach, cysylltwch â Dr Alastair Kocho-Williams

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