The Mwalimu Nyerere African Union in partnership with the Africa-India scholarship scheme has opened scholarship offers in the field of Agriculture for Africans working in African institutions of higher learning and
research. The Africa-India Capacity Building Scholarship Programme comprises:
1) Capacity Building Masters Degree Scholarship
2) Special University Lecturers PhD Fellowship Programme
This scholarship is tenable in reputable Indian Universities.
Note that the academic session commences in July 2013.
Eligibility Criteria
An applicant for PhD Programme must meet the following minimum criteria:
a) Be under the age of forty five (45) years.
b) Be a holder of a high quality Master’s Degree in respective field of Agriculture.
Duration of Course
The Master’s programme is of two years whereas the Ph.D. is a three year programme.
No fellowship will be provided for any extended period to complete the degree
Value of the Scholarship
A fellowship will be awarded
- for two years, 12,000 Indian Rupees per month (for Master’s programme)
- for three years, 15,000 Indian Rupees per month (for doctoral programme)
All expenditure towards tuition fee, hostel fee, mess, medical, contingency and travel
within country etc. during the course will be borne by the student utilizing the fellowship
The cost of air ticket and visa will be paid through the Indian Mission in the respective
African Country.
Method of Application:
For more information , please visit the AFRICA-INDIA FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME wesbite