Masters Studentship In History AHRC-Funded Research Preparation

The Department of History at the University of Hull invites high-quality proposals from applicants for an AHRC-funded studentship for a Research Preparation Masters (MA Historical Research) tenable for one year from 1 October 2013. The award, which was made to a consortium bid from the Universities of Hull and Huddersfield, will be held at Hull, with optional access to facilities and research support at Huddersfield.

Applicants, who should hold at least a good 2:1, or 1st undergraduate degree in History or a relevant discipline, may offer a proposal from any period of history from the medieval to the modern. We would, however, particularly welcome proposals which correspond to the Department’s research concentration in the areas of global and international history; military history; Atlantic history and slavery studies; Anglo-American history; Native American history; and maritime history. Applicants are encouraged to consult the web site of the Department for full details of our research activity.

How to Apply

Applicants must ensure they meet the AHRC’s eligibility criteria: (

To apply for this Masters Scholarship please click on the apply button below.

You should clearly indicate on the form that you are applying for an AHRC studentship, and submit a 500 word research proposal, covering the following headings:

  • Title of proposal research
  • Scope of research (e.g. texts/dates to be covered)
  • Research questions and context (key research already done in this area)
  • Critical methodology
  • Chapter outlines

Please contact Dr Charles Prior ( for an informal discussion of your application.

Deadline 5pm 15th March 2013

Interviews will be held during April 2013.

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