Master of Research in Railway Systems Integration

The Railway sector in the UK and around the world is currently in a period of significant growth, and offers excellent prospects for future employment for graduates in a range of disciplines. The one-year MRes in Railway Systems Integration is an interdisciplinary programme that combines a major research project with technical study to give students experience of research in the railway sector and an in depth understanding of specific railway technical issues, and gives students the opportunity to benefit from the fundamental and applied research being carried out in the Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education (BCRRE). Comprising two-thirds research and one third taught material, this course will allow students to carry out a detailed research project, often  in collaboration with industry, whilst learning more about specific technical and management issues relevant to the railway industry. Details of the work of BCRRE are given at whilst specific details of the MRes programme are given at

For the 2013/14 session up to 10 scholarships with a value of £6000 will be available, for students who wish to carry out research in railway applications of one of the following areas.

  • Aerodynamics
  • Asset Management
  • Condition Monitoring
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Materials and Metallurgy
  • Modelling and Computation
  • Network Capacity
  • Non-destructive testing
  • Power and Traction
  • Risk and Safety
  • Signalling and train control
  • Systems Engineering

Interested candidates should, in the first instance, submit a brief c.v. to the Course Director, Prof C J Baker at indicating which area (s) of research  they would be interested in, before May 31st 2013, who will then arrange interviews with potential supervisors. 

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