Funded Doctoral Studentship in Cyber Security

This is a wonderful opportunity for a PhD scholarship in cyber security:

Annual stipend £23,000

Supervisors: Dr Cas Cremers and Dr Andrew Martin

Start Date: October 2014 End Date: April 2018


We are looking for a top student in computer science or mathematics for a project on building secure  component-based systems. Most modern secure systems consist of several components, which may be hardware (e.g. keyboards, card readers, screens) or software (e.g. libraries for generating random numbers). In practice, attackers may be able to compromise these components. In this project we will develop methods to analyse and improve the design of component-based secure systems: we want to minimize the loss of security for the system even when some

components are compromised. To achieve this we will use formal methods and possibly develop tool support.

The student will be part of the Computer Science Department at theUniversity of Oxford. The project will provide an annual stipend to the student of £23.000 per annum for 3.5 years.  The project will

additionally cover the costs of university and college fees, and provision for a laptop.



The candidate is expected to have a strong background in computer science or mathematics, in particular formal methods or logic, with an interest in security.

Candidates must have good written, communication, and organisational skills, and satisfy the usual requirements for a doctorate at Oxford:

The studentship is sponsored by the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and the student will spend 2-4 weeks per year at GCHQ headquarters in Cheltenham. Therefore due to funding restrictions, to be considered for this studentship, the candidate has to be a UK national and have been resident in the UK for ten years and has to pass GCHQ’s security clearance procedures.

Also Read  4 year funded integrated PhD and MSc in Complex Particulate Products and Processes



There is no deadline for applying. We will continue to process applications until a suitable candidate is found, and candidates are therefore recommended to apply as soon as possible.

To apply in the first instance candidates should send their CV, a transcript with a list of courses and grades, and a motivation letter explaining why you want this studentship, to:


For further information about the project details please contact:

For further information about the studentship or application process please e-mail:


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