Financial Risk Management MSc

Financial Risk Management MSc

University of Glasgow – Adam Smith Business School

The Center for Economic and Financial Studies at the University of Glasgow has obtained 20 full-fee scholarships for MSc students (worth 7,500 GBP each) from the Scottish Funding Council. This scholarship will be made available for excellent applicants from Scotland and the EU for one of our MSc programs: Financial Risk Management MSc

We particular welcome applications from students and financial practitioners with undergraduate degrees in Economics, Finance, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering or any other highly mathematical discipline. For exceptional applicants the Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow provides an additional contribution of up to 5,000 GBP towards costs of living and maintenance.

Prestigious Scottish Funding Council Awards are available to high calibre applicants for this programme. The SFC has selected this programme in recognition of the high demand for students with these qualifications. The awards cover all tuition costs; for further information, please see: funded places.

This Masters programme will look at the economic and financial determinants of financial risk including market risk and some elements of liquidity and counterpart risk. You will learn how to take advantage of the opportunities inherent to financial risk. In addition to acquiring a sound understanding of financial risk, you will learn how to use financial instruments in practice to achieve different goals and how to optimise your opportunities.

  • You will be encouraged to attend practitioners’ talks and the Economics seminar series.
  • The programme is offered by the Centre for Economic & Financial Studies which covers research and postgraduate teaching in economics and finance.
  • Economics in the Adam Smith Business School at Glasgow is ranked in the top 10% worldwide in the fields of central banking, economics of strategic management, European economics, efficiency and productivity, financial development and growth, finance, financial markets, forecasting, international finance, international trade, macroeconomics, monetary economics, open macroeconomics, public economics, and transition economics.
  • The University of Glasgow Adam Smith Business School celebrates the legacy of Adam Smith by developing enlightened, enterprising and engaged graduates and internationally-recognised research with real social impact.

Programme overview

  • MSc: 12 months full-time;

Teaching is based on formal lectures which also allow opportunities for class discussion. Technical subjects are supported by weekly or fortnightly small tutorials, which provide opportunities for you to engage with some issues or questions in a group format. Some courses also involve lab sessions using specialised software, for instance in the study of econometrics.

You will take five core courses and select two optional courses.

Core courses

  • Basic econometrics (or Modelling and forecasting financial markets subject to approval from the programme director)
  • Economic fundamentals and financial markets 
  • Financial markets, securities and derivatives 
  • Financial risk analysis
  • Modelling and forecasting financial markets (for students who are not required to take Basic econometrics)
  • Research methods and dissertation training.

Optional courses

  • Advanced portfolio analysis
  • C++ in Finance
  • Corporate finance and investment
  • Empirical asset pricing
  • Financial derivatives
  • Financial services
  • International finance and money
  • Mathematical finance (co-requisite for Financial derivatives)
  • Modelling and forecasting financial markets (if not taken as a compulsory course)
  • Portfolio analysis and investment (co-requisite for Advanced portfolio analysis).

You will also complete a dissertation of between 12,000 and 15,000 words.

Career prospects

Suitable career paths when you graduate will be with banks including investment and central banks such as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Other opportunities will be presented by asset management firms, governmental bodies involved in financial decision-making, and firms working in the area of financial transactions and provision of finance.

Further information: Business School email:

To apply click the ‘Apply’ button below.

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