Essay Based Scholarship

Abbott & Fenner are committed to continuing our efforts at helping those who have the desire and ambition to succeed.
The winner(s) of this annual scholarship will receive their award within 2 weeks of the listed deadline. All applicants should include their full name and mailing address with their submissions.

Essay topic:

What have you done outside the classroom that demonstrates qualities sought after by the post secondary institution that you are hoping to attend? Also, which of these qualities means the most to you?


Deadline: June 14, 2013


The A&F Scholarships are available to all high school juniors and seniors as well as all students currently registered in any accredited post secondary institution.

Application Procedure

This is an annual competition.Write an essay on one of their topics, 500-1000 words, and email to

Value $1000


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Scholarships expiring soon Forums Essay Based Scholarship

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    • #9605

      Abbott & Fenner are committed to continuing our efforts at helping those who have the desire and ambition to succeed. The winner(s) of this annual
      [See the full post at: Essay Based Scholarship]

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