DPhil Studentships


DPhil Studentships available to start in October 2013


The Department is pleased to invite applications for up to 4 supported studentships, to conduct research towards a doctoral degree at the University. The Department supports internationally-renowned research programmes that address the causes and treatments of psychiatric illness; it is particularly strong in neurobiology and physical treatments, psychopathology and psychological treatments, old-age and social psychiatry, psychiatric epidemiology, autism and developmental psychopathology.


Research projects can be within any of these domains, or can seek to be cross-domain.


Information about particular projects offered this year can be found at http://www.psych.ox.ac.uk/study/graduate-studies. Applicants are strongly advised to contact potential supervisors to discuss possible projects or their own proposals before applying. Candidates who are interested in other aspects of the research done within the Department are also encouraged to apply. The University of Oxford’s world leading research has an international reputation and provides a wide range of resources including libraries, laboratories and other specialist facilities attracting interest from students all around the world. The studentships are funded by the Medical Research Council, Clarendon Fund (Oxford) amongst other sources.


Applicants for each studentship should have, or expect to gain, at least an upper second class honours degree in an appropriate subject. The current DPhil studentship stipend (tax-free) is  £13,590 per annum, plus support for conference attendance and consumables. Please send your CV; a covering letter with the names of 2 academic referees, and a statement that outlines the research you would wish to pursue at Oxford (~ 500 words).  Applicants should also apply through the formal University procedure at the same time as applying for this studentship.

Also Read  PhD Studentship – Physics of failure analysis on Integrated Drive Generator


Address to send applications and enquiries: Tracy Lindsey, Department of Psychiatry, Warneford Hospital, Warneford Lane, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7JX (tracy.lindsey@psych.ox.ac.uk ).


Deadline for submission of applications: 4th January 2013.


Interview date: Jan 21st January 2013


Studentship Code: 13PSYCH01WE


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