Doctoral Programme in Law

The Doctoral Programme in Law invites applications for six University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS)-funded doctoral training positions. A UTUGS-funded position may begin on 1 January 2014 at the earliest, and the positions are fulfilled for a maximum of four years.

Doctoral Programme in Law of the University of Turku encompasses the entire field of law. The programme is responsible for doctoral education in law as part of the University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS). In the programme, the main research fields of the Faculty of Law are emphasized: (1) constitutionalism, fundamental and human rights, and (2) legal research on economic changes. All fields of law are represented in the programme. Research combining different fields of law as well as multidisciplinary research is also encouraged. 

UTUGS doctoral training positions are primarily intended for full-time doctoral dissertation research with the aim of completing the doctoral degree in four years. The duties also involve teaching at most 5% (80 h) of the annual working time of the doctoral candidate and other supportive and administrative tasks. The 5 % rule does not apply to such teaching given by the doctoral candidate which can be imbedded in the doctoral degree as ECTS. Duties assigned to a doctoral candidate employed on a UTUGS-funded training position other than those related to doctoral dissertation research must not compromise the full-time doctoral dissertation research. 

The salary is in accordance with the University salary system for teaching and research personnel, levels 2-4, where the position-specific salary component is 1 944,69 – 2 432,20 euros per month. In addition, there is a component based on personal performance, which is at most 46.3 % of the position-specific salary. 

Also Read  AHRC-Funded Studentships for 2013-2014

Please find more information about the application procedure at the Apply button below.

The deadline for applications is September 30, 2013

More information: Research and Postgraduate Education Officer Mirkka Ruotsalainen (, +358 2 333 6307)

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      The Doctoral Programme in Law invites applications for six University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS)-funded doctoral training positions. A UT
      [See the full post at: Doctoral Programme in Law]

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