DAAD Study Scholarships for Law Students

The DAAD scholarship for law students is awarded to students with high academic standing or to you professors holding a degree in Law. The scholarship is tenable at a German University and will gain Masters Degree

10 and 24 months. Initially, scholarships are awarded for one academic year and can be extended for students with good study achievements to cover the full length of the chosen degree course.


The DAAD will pay a monthly award of 750 euros plus travel and luggage costs and a health insurance allowance.

Tuition fees cannot be paid by the DAAD.


To be eligible

  • You must hold a comparable first degree at the point of application
  • Have not been resident in Germany for more than a year
  • Your first degree is not more than six years old from the time of application
  • Good German Language skills. Exceptions are possible when scholarship holders are enrolled in degree courses which are instructed in English. The DAAD may fund attendance of a German language course at a language school in Germany before the scholarship-supported studies begin. This is free of charge to the scholarship holder.
  • Evidence of academic achievements and a mission statement indicating why you want to study in Germany

Application deadline: 15th October each year

For More information Visit  DAAD Website

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Scholarships expiring soon Forums DAAD Study Scholarships for Law Students

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    • #6702

      Objective The DAAD scholarship for law students is awarded to students with high academic standing or to you professors holding a degree in Law. The s
      [See the full post at: DAAD Study Scholarships for Law Students]

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