PhD Studentships Creating Innovative People for Radical Change in the Digital Economy

Up to ten 4 year PhD Studentships Available in Exciting Cross-disciplinary Programme,

Creating Innovative People for Radical Change in the Digital Economy

Are you interested in technology, its relationship to creative practices or business and in acquiring the necessary skills to lead innovation in the exciting world of the digital economy? We are currently recruiting exceptional students with backgrounds in computing, design and management to join HighWire in October 2013.

HighWire is a world class, cross-disciplinary and user-centric Doctoral Training Centre which places innovation at the heart of its curriculum and ethos.

We go beyond traditional multi-disciplinary approaches by seeking a creative fusion between three key disciplines, namely computer science, management and design.

The emphasis is on producing a new breed of innovative people who understand and are able to advance the state of the art in technical, design and business innovation: innovative people prepared to work in challenging roles in organisations and ready to drive radical change in the digital economy.

We closely align with the needs and goals of business and industry to ensure the relevance of our programme and to encourage technology exchange and early adoption of emerging technologies, processes and ideas.

This builds on the strengths of LancasterUniversity’s InfoLab21 initiative, a recognised leader in technology exchange, to seek a more value-added and marketable pathway from the digital laboratory to the marketplace.

If you join HighWire, you would:

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  • Undertake a 4 year MRes+PhD programme
  • Receive a £17,090 p.a. enhanced stipend
  • Study in a new purpose-built facility on the LancasterUniversity campus
  • Understand and apply innovation to the digital economy
  • Perform research focused on problems, not disciplines
  • Have a real impact on industry and society
  • Work with world-leading commercial partners

We would like to invite you to a recruitment event on Tuesday 26th March at the University. For more information on this event and about the programme generally please select the apply button below.

This site also provides instructions on how to apply. Please pay particular attention to the eligibility criteria as listed on the web pages before applying.

Informal enquiries can also be addressed to Prof. Gordon Blair, Director of HighWire(email:

The closing date for applications is 30th April 2013 (further opportunities to apply may be available after this date but this is not guaranteed). 

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