PhD studentship – Dynamical Systems Faculty of Science

The project:

The University of Bristol invites applications for a 3.5 year PhD studentship in Pure Mathematics in the area of Dynamical Systems, starting in October 2014, to work under the supervision of Dr. Corinna Ulcigrai at the University’s School of Mathematics. The successful candidate will work in the area of Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory in the framework of the ERC ChaParDyn Grant Project “Chaotic Properties of Parabolic Flows: Mixing, Rigidiy and Spectra”, led by Dr. Corinna Ulcigrai ( The objectives focus on parabolic systems, examples of which include horocycle flows, translation surfaces flows and interval exchange transformations. The project has connection with topical areas of research such as Teichmueller dynamics, homogeneous dynamics and infinite ergodic theory and involve learning cutting edge techniques in these fields and develop them to investigate ergodic and dynamical questions about parabolic flows.

The successful candidate will be part of the Bristol’s Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Group and participate in the activities (such as weekly seminars and reading groups) of the group.  

Candidate requirements:

Applicants are expected to hold a first or upper second-class honours degree, or international equivalent, in Mathematics. 

Applications should include (1) a full list of courses and marks from your university, (2) English language certificates where applicable, (3) two academic reference letters, (4) an up-to-date CV, and (5) a 1-2 page statement of your research interests in connection with the themes of the project.

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The studentship, fully funded by the European Research Council Grant ChaParDyn, includes an annual stipend at EPSRC rates (currently £13,726 p.a.), and a travel budget to attend international workshops, conferences and summer schools. There are no restrictions on nationality. The University’s tuition fees for EU residents will be covered; applicants from outside the EU will need to secure additional funding to cover the remaining tuition fees.

How to apply:

Please make an online application for this project via the ‘Apply’ button below. Please select Mathematics (PhD) on the Programme Choice page and enter the title of the studentship (‘PhD Studentship, ChaParDyn’) when prompted in the Funding and Research Details sections of the form.

Contacts: Dr Corinna Ulcigrai –

Deadline for applications: 1st February 2014

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