PhD Position in Experimental Psycholinguistics

The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) is inviting applications for a

PhD position in experimental psycholinguistics.

The MPI in Nijmegen is a leading research institute, with a stimulating environment and excellent facilities and resources. It is the only institute entirely devoted to the question of how we acquire, produce and understand language, and its investigations are highly multidisciplinary, uniting anthropology, linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, computer science, and genetics.

The successful candidates will be affiliated with the Department Psychology of Language (A. Meyer). For further details of our research, please see our website:

Candidates should have, or shortly expect to obtain, a high quality scientific degree in psychology, cognitive neurosciences, or related areas. Masters degrees involving several months of experience and training on a scientific project will be considered advantageous. We seek exceptional students with a talent and inclination for first class research. Candidates should have excellent written and spoken command of English and good knowledge of either Dutch or German.

The position is available as of 1 January 2014 and is funded for 3 years. The institute provides state-of-the art research facilities, technical support, as well as a conference and travel budget.

The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer.

For more information about the position and to apply please contact via the Apply button below.

Applications should include the candidate’s CV, a short statement of research interests, a sample of their writing, and the names and e-mail addresses of two potential referees. Applications will be considered on an on-going basis until the position is filled.

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