PhD Opportunities at Murdoch University (Australia)

Location Murdoch University, Engineering and Information Technology

The opportunity:

Dr Fang Xia’s groupat Murdoch University ( is seeking high caribre PhDstudents to do research in the areas of extractive metallurgy or mineralscience. Murdoch University is located at the beautiful coastal city,Perth, the capital city of Western Australia. Perth is the 4th largest cityin Australia and has been one of the most liveable cities in the world formany years (ranked 9th in 2015). It is a very nice place to study, to work,and to enjoy life.

Dr Xia’s research has been focused onunderstanding the mechanism and kinetics of metal extraction processes(extractive metallurgy), and minerals formation and alteration processes(mineral science), using standard laboratory techniques as well as advancedcharacterizing techniques including the state-of-the-art facilities at theAustralian Synchrotron (e.g., in situ X-ray diffraction, or small angleX-ray scattering) and at Australian Nuclear Science and TechnologyOrganization (e.g., small angle neutron scattering, or neutrondiffraction). During the candidature, you will have the chance of going toMelbourne and Sydney to do research as well.

Murdoch Universityhas been very strong in metallurgical engineering and is well known tolocal and international organisations. The metallurgical engineeringdepartment has educated numerous metallurgists for Australia’smulti-billion-dollar mineral industry, and fresh graduates’ annual salaryis often greater than $100,000 Australian dollars. It is so easy to get ahighly paid job (especially in Western Australia) so few domestic studentsstay to do PhD. Hence we are seeking international PhD candidates to doresearch in extractive metallurgy or mineral science. Once completed, youwill have the chance to get a permanent resident visa in Australia and workeither in the mineral industry, or in the research organizations anduniversities.

Also Read  PhD student in the area of Computational Physics


Minimum qualification: Master by research.

Excellentundergraduate academic performance (high GPA).

Students withthe following background are preferred: for extractive metallurgy(metallurgy, chemical engineering, chemistry, materials science

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Scholarships expiring soon Forums PhD Opportunities at Murdoch University (Australia)

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    • #7419

      Murdoch University, Engineering and Information Technology

      The opportunity:

      Dr Fang Xia’s group at Murdoch University ( is seeking high caribre PhD students to do research in the areas of extractive metallurgy or mineral science. Murdoch University is located at the beautiful coastal city, Perth, the capital city of Western Australia. Perth is the 4th largest city in Australia and has been one of the most liveable cities in the world for many years (ranked 9th in 2015). It is a very nice place to study, to work, and to enjoy life.

      Dr Xia’s research has been focused on understanding the mechanism and kinetics of metal extraction processes (extractive metallurgy), and minerals formation and alteration processes (mineral science), using standard laboratory techniques as well as advanced characterizing techniques including the state-of-the-art facilities at the Australian Synchrotron (e.g., in situ X-ray diffraction, or small angle X-ray scattering) and at Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (e.g., small angle neutron scattering, or neutron diffraction). During the candidature, you will have the chance of going to Melbourne and Sydney to do research as well.

      Murdoch University has been very strong in metallurgical engineering and is well known to local and international organisations. The metallurgical engineering department has educated numerous metallurgists for Australia’s multi-billion-dollar mineral industry, and fresh graduates’ annual salary is often greater than $100,000 Australian dollars. It is so easy to get a highly paid job (especially in Western Australia) so few domestic students stay to do PhD. Hence we are seeking international PhD candidates to do research in extractive metallurgy or mineral science. Once completed, you will have the chance to get a permanent resident visa in Australia and work either in the mineral industry, or in the research organizations and universities.


      Minimum qualification: Master by research.

      Excellent undergraduate academic performance (high GPA).

      Students with the following background are preferred: for extractive metallurgy (metallurgy, chemical engineering, chemistry, materials science and engineering), and for mineral science (geology, mineralogy, chemistry).

      Candidates should have some research experience and outputs (journal papers) and should be passionate about research.

      Minimum English requirement: IELTS (Academic) 6.5 (no individual band less than 6.0), or TOEFL – Internet-based – Minimum score of 90 with no band less than 20.


      The scholarships waive tuition fee and provide a generous annual living allowance of ~$26-30k. Candidates can apply for the following scholarships:

      Australia Awards Scholarship (selected countries, between Jan to April, check website)

      Endeavour Scholarships & Fellowships (open in April, check website)

      International Postgraduate Research Studentship (IPRS) (deanline 30 Sep)

      Murdoch International Postgraduate Studentship (MIPS) (deadline 30 Sep)

      Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) Scholarships (Indonesia university academics only, deadline and living allowance check website)

      Contact and application:

      Please send your CV (indicate IELTS or TOEFL score and publication list), undergraduate academic transcript, and publications (full paper) to Dr Fang Xia by email ( Dr Xia’s homepage:

      Details of the application process for PhD and Master admission can be found here (

      View this listing on the website at

      [See the full post at: PhD Opportunities at Murdoch University (Australia)]

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