Deadline: 2016-04-29
Value of Scholarship: $2000

Peace Corps Nigeria Alumni Foundation Young Women’s Scholarship Program

The Peace Corps Nigeria Alumni Foundation (PCNAF) will award two $2000 scholarships to promising female college students of Nigerian heritage in the Washington, DC metropolitan area,with a desire to contribute to the development and prosperity of Nigeria while pursuing their undergraduate studies.  The scholarship program was created in an effort to help ease the financial burden of students with outstanding academic and leadership potential that are facing difficulties securing the funds needed to complete their undergraduate studies because they have an international student visa and cannot seek outside employment to finance their education.

Any female college student of Nigerian heritage is eligible to apply for a PCNAF
Scholarship if she:
-Has an international student visa (F1)
-Is enrolled as a full time student at a participating institution
-Will begin her junior or senior year at the university in the fall of 2016, or will complete community college and enter a participating university as a full time student in the fall of 2016
-Has an overall grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
-Has a documented need for financial assistance

If you have questions call:301-632-5895
Applications can be downloaded at:

Apply Now

Also Read  AMEC Masters Engineering Scholarship for Women-$10,000

Scholarships expiring soon Forums Peace Corps Nigeria Alumni Foundation Young Women’s Scholarship Program

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